Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 30: B.A cont. (Estadio Riverplate, Palermo Soho/Hollywood, etc.)

Good morning!

What do you know, I am again writing from a week ago! It is April 9th and I am in Miraflores (Peru) and flew out of Buenos Aires yesterday night. Ryan is on his way back to Van as we speak, via a number of connecting flights in the U.S! Looking back on our time in Buenos Aires, I am really glad we saw so much of the city on foot. I could not have asked for better weather, company, food, wine, and overall variety in terms of sight seeing (sorry for my poor punctuation, the keys on this keyboard do not correspond with the symbols!)

So, back to Buenos Aires!

We decided, after somewhat of a wild goose chase (on the internet and via interactions with locals) that we would just head to the Estadio River Plate, the stadium home to arguably the second most popular futbol team in Argentina. We knew they were playing on Weds and we figured we´d make our way down there anyways. Given it was a Sunday, we figured worse comes to worse we will just wander around a NEW part of B.A and enjoy the sun in a local park. Well, after speaking with 3 security guards and waiting at a closed boleteria (ticket booth) for a short while .. we found out that tickets would go on sale tomorrow and could be purchased up until Weds. Noone could give us a clear answer of if there would be any left, though! Given we had booked a Gaucho Fiesta aka Estancia Tour for Monday (i.e a trip to the countryside to see the Argentinian cowboys in all of their glory) we decided to try again on Tuesday .. and if they were sold out, to bring a sign and pesos on Weds eve in hopes of honest scalpers (insert smile here).

The afternoon turned out to be splendid, as per usual, and we enjoyed beer and chips .. and walked all the way back through parts of Palermo we had not yet discovered. It was Easter Sunday so not too much was open, but we DID of course find a restaurant where we stopped for a delicious bottle of Malbec (I think..) and a Fugazzeta (sweet grilled onion and to die for cheese) Pizza. Mmmmm. Honestly, we are eating so much BUT also walking on average 4 hours per day. We literally have taken the subway maybe 3x and otherwise walk. It is my kind of holiday and as I have found out, Ryan´s too!

A few more things from today
(1)Palm hearts are almost as popular here as they are in Brazil, as a garnish in sandwiches and Pizza (I have noticed on the menus here but we haven´t tried them in Argentina) and eggs (fried, hard boiled, etc) seem to be a common addition to steaks, pizzas, salads.
(2) While McDonalds, Burger King, etc are still reasonable here .. for $10 CAD more than the cost of 2 combos, you can upgrade to 2 humongous steak meals and a bottle of good quality wine.
(3) People do not speak as much English as I had expected .. though Ryan and I are still debating whether that is because I attempt Spanish, and they may or may not be self conscious about their English. I think if you presented yourself as a total gringo the people working with the public would have no choice but to speak in English... !
(4) The subway is ridiculously cheap. $1.10 pesos (around $0.30 CAD) for one way all across town.

The pictures above are mostly the talent of Ryan¡ he has a knack for architecture shots especially. The others are either mine or some friendly server!

Stay posted for the next bit detailing our Estancia tour and River Plate v. Newell Old Boys futbol match!


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